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Kebencian 'Malaysia-chronicle' tidak baik


Written by  Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysia ChronicleThe economic gloom has made men in Perak more innovative when seeking ways to earn a living. Many have set up businesses providing useful services, principally serving the international community. Despite some criticisms from disgruntled women’s groups, others feel that these men are attracting much needed foreign investment into Perak.
These men have business arrangements in the form of ‘Sole Proprietorships’ (SP), the most common and least expensive method of setting up business.
If limited companies have their Memorandum and Articles of Association, the sole proprietor seals the deal by marrying his client.
The SP has attracted many investors, especially from those who are keen to remain in Malaysia, in order to invest here. Needless to say, a majority if not all of the clients are females.
The advantages of the SP far outweigh the disadvantages. The sole proprietors are in complete control, and within the parameters of the law, may make decisions as they see fit. The sole proprietor also receives all income generated by the business to keep or reinvest. Any profits from the business flow-through directly to the owner's personal tax return. And the business is easy to dissolve, if desired.
However, these SPs have hit a snag in the form of the Perak Immigration department, which described these businesses as “Husbands for hire”.
Its director Mohamad Shukri Nawi said that his officers had uncovered several cases where men admitted their marriage was a sham.
He said, “There were times when women arrested at nightspots would furnish us with a so-called marriage certificate. But when the husband turns up to claim the wife, he eventually admits the marriage is just a cover”
It is believed these “husbands”, who are usually middle-aged men, would agree to the marriage for monetary gains. Shukri confirmed that any irregularities in the business arrangement would mean that the clients would have their passes revoked and they would be deported.
The Immigration Department was asked how they were able to detect such marriages of convenience.
Shukri said, “We get suspicious when a much older man marries a young foreigner”.
Oh dear! Chief Minister of Sarawak, Taib Mahmud, who is 74 years-old has just married a 29 year-old Syrian.
Perak’s immigration department is not to be trifled with. They have already deported thousands of women when they conducted 28 raids under Ops Sayang.
Perhaps it is wise if Taib avoided going for his honeymoon in Pangkor. He should not set foot in Perak for either business or pleasure.
Just last week, we read of a new business in Georgia which offered single women needing household help the chance to hire ‘husbands’ by the hour for 17 dollars (13 euros) per hour.
Company owner Beso Mchedlishvili was adamant that his guys were “not male prostitutes” after several women contacted his company seeking a more intimate hour.
He said, “Our service is here to assist those women who need help with tough housekeeping tasks, such as for example minor repair works”.

At least we can be confident that Taib would not be hired by this Georgian company. One doubts that he would know how to fix a leaking tap or unblock an ‘S’ bend.

King goba letak jawatan!!! Apa dah jadi dengan PKR


Bantahan serta kritikan Gobalakrishnan terhadap Anwar Ibrahim telah berakhir dengan perletakkan semua jawatan, sekaligus meletakan imej buruk PKR dimata masyarakat India. Dijangka ramai kalangan masyarakat India yang selama ini menyokong PKR akan mengambil langkah yang sama.

Sebelum ini, Hindraf yang vokal memperjuangkan nasib kaum India telah mengemukakan bantahan demi bantahan terhadap ketidakadilan Anwar dan PKR. Hindraf juga memutuskan untuk tidak menyokong perjuangan PKR yang pembohong dan sekadar licik menabur janji untuk meraih sokongan kaum India.

Gobala tentunya sudah menyedari kebusukkan Anwar Ibrahim, bagaimana pula pemimpin dayak di Sarawak yang sedang ghairah meletakkan harapan untuk melihat Anwar jadi perdana menteri?

Apakah masyarakat dayak melalui Baru Bian sedang mengharap pengajaran yang sama sepertimana Hindraf dan Gobala?

Gobalakrishnan Letak Semua Jawatan Dalam PKR
LABIS, 29 Jan (Bernama) -- Bekas anggota Majlis Tertinggi Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) yang juga anggota Parlimen Padang Serai N. Gobalakrishnan pada Sabtu mengumumkan peletakan semua jawatan dalam parti itu berkuatkuasa serta merta.

Beliau membuat pengumuman itu menerusi laman sosial twitter beliau yang berbunyi: "Selamat Pagi kepada semua rakyat Malaysia. Saya dengan ini letak semua jawatan dalam parti PKR dan teruskan kerja saya melalui NGO Baru".

Semasa dihubungi dari sini oleh Bernama dan bertanyakan sama ada pengumuman dalam twitter beliau itu adalah benar, beliau berkata: "Ya, ia adalah benar. Saya sedang mengadakan sidang media bagi mengumumkan keputusan ini".

Keputusan beliau untuk meletakkan semua jawatan dalam parti dibuat dalam tempoh kurang sebulan selepas beliau diberikan surat tunjuk sebab kerana mengkritik parti dan pucuk pimpinan melalui surat 45 halaman dari parti bertarikh 31 Dis, 2010 melalui faksimili.

Gobalakrishnan diminta memberikan penjelasan mengenai tindakannya itu kepada PKR dalam tempoh tujuh hari dari tarikh surat itu.
Bagaimanapun, Gobalakrishnan berkata tempoh tujuh hari itu tidak adil dan tidak munasabah kerana beliau hanya mempunyai masa tiga hari untuk menjawab surat itu dan sebaliknya meminta 45 hari untuk menjawab surat itu kerana beliau perlu meneliti pelbagai dakwaan yang dilemparkan terhadapnya.

Gobalakrishnan diberikan surat tunjuk sebab itu kerana mengkritik Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang didakwa telah mengarahkan penutupan kuil Sivan di Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Prime Minister of Malaysia


The lifelong dream of Malaysia’s 6th Prime Minister, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Hj Abd Razak, is a united, peaceful and prosperous Malaysia, with abundant opportunities for all citizens. As the son of Malaysia’s second Prime Minister, the late Tun Abd Razak, Najib was born into Malaysian politics. Najib grew up watching his father and knew the demands of mainstream politics, and he always knew that at some point in his life he wanted to serve his community and country. But the untimely passing of his father on January 14th, 1976, at the age of 54, suddenly thrust Najib into the spotlight. Five weeks after his father’s passing, Najib, at the age of 22, was elected to fill the Pekan vacancy, becoming the youngest Member of Parliament in Malaysia’s history. In 2004 he ascended to the second-highest office in the nation, Deputy Prime Minister, 47 years after his father’s appointment to the same post.

Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib was born on July 23rd 1953 in Kuala Lipis, Pahang. He was educated at St. John’s Institution in Kuala Lumpur and Malvern Boy’s College in Worcestershire, England before earning a degree in Industrial Economics from Nottingham University. Returning to Malaysia in 1974, he entered the corporate world, serving briefly in Bank Negara (Central Bank) and later with PETRONAS (the national petroleum corporation) as a Public Affairs Manager. But the untimely death of Tun Abd Razak dramatically altered the course of his life.
Najib quickly adapted to public life as a Member of Parliament, and soon found that the art of politics came naturally to him. Within a short time, the young Najib showed that he was a credible and capable politician and a leader in his own right. In his first year as an MP he was appointed Deputy Minister of Energy, Telecommunications and Posts, and later served as Deputy Minister of Education and Deputy Minister of Finance. In 1982 the nation’s new Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, placed Dato’s Sri Mohd Najib to contest the State Assembly seat of Pekan. Following Najib’s election victory, the 29-year-old Najib became the Menteri Besar of Pahang, the biggest state in Peninsular Malaysia. Pahang was at the time on the verge of a political crisis due to serious differences between the previous MB and the Sultan of Pahang. But Najib was not only a rising political star, he was one of the Four Noblemen of the Pahang Royal Court (by virtue of his inherited title as the Orang Kaya Indera Shahbandar) and he was warmly welcomed by the palace. The crisis quickly abated, ensuring the unity of Pahang UMNO whilst Najib embarked upon measures to strengthen education in the state. In 1982 Najib played a key role in establishing Yayasan Pahang, a foundation dedicated to promoting education and sports among the youth of Pahang through scholarships and funding. Najib strengthened state enterprises to maximize earnings from Pahang’s abundant natural resources. In cooperation with FELDA, the Federal Land Development Authority, he paved the way for the establishment of new land settlement schemes, 2 providing new income opportunities for those who were landless and in the lower income group.

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